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Top rating WordPress themes, plugins, and tools digest.


15 Amazing WordPress Themes for Startups

Launching a startup website is much easier than it used to be only a few years ago. The market availability for custom startup-website designs has grown with immense force. And these days, you can replicate world-class website designs with nothing...

10 Powerful WordPress Themes for Personal Coaches

Creating a new website from scratch can be a friWith the BeTop themeghtening experience. Not to mention, it can also be extremely time-consuming. And last but not least, if you hire an agency to do all the design work for...
Collections, WordPress Themes

15 Professional WordPress Resume Themes for Your Digital CV

These days almost everyone has their own ‘digital resume’. And with the increase of remote jobs and other remote-working opportunities, this number is only going to continue to grow. Besides, since most people have a smartphone these days — you...
Collections, WordPress Themes

20 Creative WordPress Portfolio Themes for Designers

WordPress offers some of the most diverse solutions for anyone who needs a custom website design for a specific purpose. Whether you need a design for a magazine website, a business agency, or a portfolio — WordPress can do it...
Collections, WordPress Plugins
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10 Best WordPress Plugins for Creating a Modern Landing Page

If you have taken your business to the digital world, then a landing page is your most important asset in terms of sales. Without a landing page, new customers don’t have the means to learn about your product or understand...
Collections, WordPress Plugins

16 Must-Have WordPress Plugins for Email Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most powerful means to generate solid revenue for your business. If you are serious about taking your digital venture to the next level, then email marketing is an absolute must-have! As soon as you...
Collections, WordPress Plugins

14 Plugins and Tools for WordPress Photography Bloggers

WordPress is not only amazing for bloggers and writers, but also photography professionals. It’s no secret that photographers love to use WordPress thanks to the seamless administration dashboard, and the monumental availability of free and premium portfolio themes. Creating a...
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15 Must-Have SEO Tools in 2019

Just like search engine robots that are getting smarter, so are search engine optimization tools! Another year has passed, and it's time to review the best tools we saw in the previous year, and what to look forward to in 2019.
Collections, WordPress Themes

20 Stunning WordPress Themes Based on Bootstrap 4.x

In 2018, Bootstrap finally achieved the long-awaited Version 4. After many years of development, the team finally updated the old version and infused it with modern web development/design principles.
google keyword planner

11 Best Keyword Research Tools for Growth Hackers

If you know the exact keywords and long-tail keyphrases, then you can more mindfully produce content that matches user's needs. In return, search engines can better understand what it is that you're writing about.