MasterStudy vs. Tutor LMS

Learn the pros and cons of MasterStudy and Tutor LMS.

3 key points

Why MasterStudy deserves to be your LMS choice

Affordable price

More budget-friendly option, offering a great range of features at a reduced cost.

Frontend course builder

Create beautiful, engaging courses on the page that will delight your students.

Multi support channels

Provide users to get the technical and pre-sale assistance they need in many ways.

Comparison table

Feature comparison table

Find out and compare LMS pricing and features.
Frontend Course Builder
Certificate Builder
Drip Content
Group Courses
Free Starter Theme
Free Backend Demo Journey
Free Onboarding Call
In-person Customer Support
Awesome Tutorial Videos
$59 per year (One Site License)
$199 per year (One Site License)

MasterStudy LMS and Tutor LMS are both popular solutions for creating and managing online courses and e-learning content. Both platforms have their own strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the right one depends on the specific needs and requirements of the user.

In conclusion, MasterStudy LMS and Tutor LMS are both great options for those looking for a solution for creating and managing online courses. MasterStudy LMS offers a more comprehensive pack of features and customization options, making it a great choice for those who need a powerful and flexible platform. Tutor LMS, on the other hand, is designed to be simple and easy to use, making it a great choice for those who are looking for a straightforward solution for creating and managing courses. Ultimately, the choice between these two platforms will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the user.

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What are our customers saying?

View some of our success stories.

MasterStudy LMS is a great LMS for online coaches

I really like the MasterStudy product because it is so powerful. With the course builder, you can create any type of e-learning lesson you want with ease.

Rosario Farmiga
Math teacher, South Africa

A plethora of features for a well-rounded LMS for WordPress

I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that MasterStudy comes with a full-fledged demo starter theme. This is great for people who want to try out the product before they commit to buying it.

Martin Wallis
Professional health coach, Turkey

A plethora of features for a well-rounded LMS for WordPress

Absolutely enjoyable and interactive the quizzes are. They make it easy to learn and retain information.

Samantha M. Bernthall
Math teacher, South AfricaInstrumental music instructor, Caribbean Netherlands
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Frequently asked questions

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions

We'll publish answers to the more useful ones here.

How is MasterStudy different from other WordPress LMS solutions?

One of the cool features of MasterStudy is a full-fledged frontend course builder alongside the backend one. Also, we provide a first-class support in various forms: tech customer assistance, documentation, video tutorials, website customization, and live onboarding.

What are the benefits of using MasterStudy?

MasterStudy is the best way for those, who need to quickly deploy an online education website or platform for selling courses. In other words, MasterStudy helps instructors to make the money and grow their businesses.

How much does MasterStudy cost?

We provide two payment methods: annually and lifetime. In both of them, there are three plans for a single site, five sites, and an unlimited site license. The cheapest plan costs $79. For more information visit our pricing page.

What are some of the best MasterStudy tips and tricks?

You will be enjoyed and be happy with numerous LMS tools, which empower your education process. Certificate builder, drip content, custom email editor, gradebook, trial courses, integrations, and more.

Which is better, MasterStudy or other highlighted LMS?

Well, most of our customers admire the two variations of the course builder: frontend and backed. This allows the instructors pretty easily create the courses and not be distracted by the tech aspects. Also, we have a bunch of positive feedback regarding the intuitive and simple yet powerful elearning control interface. We highly recommend you investigate the live demo page and core WordPress backend.

Do you offer support if I need help using MasterStudy?

Absolutely. We have multiple sources of assistance. You can contact our premium support, get in touch directly with us by using chat or simply write to our email, watch the Youtube video, read the documentation, schedule a call with us, or ask other people who use MasterStudy in our Facebook community.

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