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Zoom, Google Meet & Live Streams

With seamless integration, Zoom, Google Meet, and Live Streams incorporate your meetings, webinars, and video lessons into your course.

Improve Your Courses with Live Webinars

Thinking or planning to run webinars? Then connect Zoom service with MasterStudy. Create and manage online meetings directly from your LMS. Use an activity where all your learners can participate simultaneously. It’s real-time, highly interactive, and very social.

Implement Synchronous Learning

Zoom enhances and extends LMS content and gives you the ability to host online meetings and webinars. Videos are simply more engaging for your students and now you have a chance to make sure they get the best experience during your learning sessions. Simply connect your LMS with Zoom, you do not need a developer. In just a few clicks, you can easily do it by yourself.

Connect Google Meet Into Course

Easily schedule and launch Google Meet sessions for real-time virtual classes and meetings directly from your course platform. This powerful feature improves communication and collaboration among students and instructors, ultimately enhancing the learning experience.

Live Streams

Live streams provide a tremendous opportunity for tutors to make online webinars supported with online live chat and lecture materials. Teachers may read the question online and answer them. Unlike other webinars and online streams, the Live Stream will not be deleted. Instead, students will find webinars and online lessons on the account page even if they missed the webinar.

Live Chat

Students might be able to follow the lecture and immediately ask questions from tutors while the lecturer explains the topic. Students will feel on-hand assistance from the lecturer. As a consequence, the lectures will be more engaging and understandable to students.

Lesson Materials

Tutors can stream the lecture and include their presentations and content to the Live Stream. Students will see the lecturer and the study materials simultaneously on the screen. The supported lecture materials as a presentation or any other content ensure that tutors will be able to transmit the same amount of the information as in the usual class.

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We offer a 14-day money-back guarantee along with a world-class community to help you get your courses online today!