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Email Manager & Branding Editor

Adjust your email messages and make them professional.

Create Perfect Emails with Your Corporate Style

Communication with your students requires immaculate letters. With our Email Manager, you'll easily make them in a few clicks. Add your logo and company name to the template to make emails recognizable and stand out. From now on, your customers will descry your letters at a glance and will not confuse them with other mailings. It enhances brand recognition and builds the trust of the clients.

This way, you'll make a one-of-the-kind template for communications with the students and creating your corporate image in their minds.

Design Your Brand Emails in a Hassle-Free

You can turn off the Email Branding and use the pre-made templates with the necessary blocks. Send custom emails for different aspects of your work, for instance, to notify students about new courses, to contact teachers and trainers, to promote some offers, etc. Set a unique template for each message type and use them when needed.

Custom Template for Each Event

Use a separate custom template for each type of event, for example, "Successful registration" "New comment in the course", or "New Group Invite" and more.

Edit Visual Content

Change the background and content of headers and footers to make your emails consistent and recognizable.

Automate the Mailing Process

Select the type of notification by clicking on the menu tabs. Your students will receive special messages for each occasion.

Easy Customization and Enhanced Efficiency

Email Manager & Branding Editor will make the process of communication with students pleasant and efficient. A little pre-configuration and you have ready templates for any event.

Simple customization of all template components.
Increased effectiveness of your emails.
Time-saving and work optimization.

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