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Drip Content

With Drip Content, planning out courses is a breeze. By quickly setting a time and date, your assignments/classes can be posted with a simple click.

Release the content on a regular basis

If you want to drip the content on your website, this is the feature you are looking for. Make courses and lessons available on a specific schedule that you can effortlessly manage yourself.

And set the time frame for the course completion.

The Drip Content guarantee
study effectiveness:

  • When there are many lessons and quizzes with the increasing difficulty level.

  • When you want to make sure your students studied all the necessary information.

  • When you want to maintain a balance between the practical and theoretical part.

How can you manage lessons schedule:

  • Lock lessons sequentially, do not provide access to the second lesson until the completion of the first one.
  • Set up your own sequence. Customize the sequence of lessons and sections according to your needs.
  • Lock lessons until their start date. Schedule stream lessons and make them unavailable prior to the start time.
  • Set the specific time after the course purchase, after which it can be unlocked.

Keep users coming back

With the Drip content, your students have to interact more frequently with your website. So they visit the website more often, which leads to more views, more opportunities to advertise, and more opportunities to interact and communicate with the student.

Make it manageable for the user

Don’t let the user get overwhelmed with too much information. The delivery of a bit-sized content makes it easier for students to digest the lessons and to get bored. By dripping the content of the courses you can evenly distribute the load.

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