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MasterStudy LMS 3.0

MasterStudy LMS V 4.8.0 – New Course Builder Release!

We are excited to announce the official release of MasterStudy LMS 3.0. As our dear current users may remember, we previously launched a beta version and invited our users to participate in testing it before the official release. Now, we are thrilled to let you know that the new version (with some improvements and bug...

MasterStudy V 4.7.11: New Courses 4-in-1 Elementor Widget for MasterStudy LMS

In this update, we have added a new Courses 4-in-1 Widget. This widget works on the Elementor page builder and combines four separate e-learning widgets – Featured Teacher, Course Carousel, Recent Courses, and Courses Grid – into one convenient widget, simplifying the course creation process. The Courses 4-in-1 Widget allows users to create and manage...
New Elementor Page and Widget

MasterStudy V 4.7.2: New Courses Elementor Page & Courses Grid Widget in MasterStudy

MasterStudy has just unveiled an update that introduces a new and improved course page along with a powerful Courses Grid widget. The new update in MasterStudy will help streamline the process of creating and organizing courses. It allows you to easily and quickly customize the display of the courses grid widget on the frontend of your...
MasterStudy LMS Theme Update: Course Search Box and Pagination for Assignments

MasterStudy V 4.7.0: New Custom Course Search Box Widget and Pagination for Assignment Pages

In the recent update for MasterStudy LMS we have a couple of new features: Course Search Box and Assignments Pagination. 1. There is a new attractive custom search input. It is designed specifically for finding your courses. 🔎 The unique side of this widget is to search the courses by category and you can place...

MasterStudy V 4.6.1: Integration with Presto Player and new video sources for lesson

We are glad to announce that in this update we have added full integration with Presto Player WordPress plugin – one of the popular plugins for creating complex video players of various stripes. 🎬 Presto Player also has some great advanced video features: Sleek Audio Player, Sticky Video Player, Video Chapter Support, Analytics & Reports,...
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