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Prerequisites: Structured Learning Paths

Proven Way to Uplifted Progress of Students with Prerequisites Addon

What is a Prerequisites Addon?

Prerequisites Addon lets you set requirements for students before they can enroll in higher-level courses. With this addon, you create a structured learning path. So students will have the knowledge and skills to succeed in advanced courses.

What You Can Do with Prerequisites Addon

Setup with Ease
Setting the Prerequisites addon is simple and hassle-free. With a few clicks in your WordPress dashboard, you can activate the addon and start getting its benefits.

Define Order for Courses

Students will need to complete a specific course with the least passing rate. So that they can go to the next level course.

Flexible Learning Paths

You can add many courses as prerequisites. You can choose a starting course that leads to others. It creates a personalized learning path.

Improved Progress

Your students will get a logical and progressive learning journey. So they grasp foundational concepts before moving on to more advanced courses.

Uplifted Success

Students who finished the required courses are better prepared for higher-level courses. This leads to increased engagement, confidence, and success in their learning endeavors.

Grouped Courses

You will create well-organized learning paths. This makes it easier for students to navigate and understand their educational journey.

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