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Custom Certificates

After completion of a course, provide your students with personalized certificates to reward and encourage them.

Personal certificates

The certificate builder gives you the opportunity to design unique custom certificates to present to the students for their accomplishments. You may use this to motivate and inspire users to achieve greater achievements.

Full-equipped certificate builder

Find out how to manage the setrificates in MasterStudy LMS by wathcing the video.

Lots of Elements for More Personalization

You can add student names, course details, unique codes and more elements to each certificate. Build a sense of achievement and motivation and give your students recognition.

Stand Out with Shapes

Add a creative touch to your certificates with various shapes. Choose from geometric options or add fun elements to design unique certificates that fit your style.

QR Code Verification

Add a QR code to your certificates for easy verification. Scanning it allows users to download the certificate, share on social media like LinkedIn, or check the completed course via the link.

Custom Text Blocks with Our Builder

Change the look and feel of your certificates with our builder. You can personalize the text blocks to match your branding and course style perfectly.

Effortless Certificate Management

With our builder, managing certificates is simple. You can set default certificates for all courses. Or choose specific designs for selected courses and categories.

Let users verify the certificates

For every certificate, there is a unique code generated in the system. Everyone can easily verify the originality of the certificate using the simple code checker on your website. You can be sure no one can copy the certificate and use it with bad intentions.

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