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Points Reward System

Gamify your website with a new reward system. Turn your courses into an exciting challenge and increase your customers’ loyalty.

Motivate Your Students

The Masterstudy new built-in feature boost Motivation, Engagement, Attention Span, not saying about better participation and feedback. A new Points System retains students’ attention, entertains and engages them and at the same time teaches them. Make your courses more effective and more fun.

Automatic points awards

User Registered

Course Purchased

Assignment Passed

Certificate Received

Quiz Passed

Quiz Passed Perfectly

Lesson Passed

Group Joined

How It Works

Award points to students as they register, complete courses, pass quizzes and do other activities and allow them to redeem their points and unlock new courses. Just with a few clicks establish the point exchange form on your site and make a learning revolution.

Live Preview

Use Your Own Point Type

Choose a name for rewards. Make it points or coins or whatever you want. Be original. Create a unique image. Specify the point rate. Identify the number of points which will be equivalent to USD 1.

Easy To Manage Points

Control all the points earned with full access to the students’ points balance. Verify the charge of earnings and adjust it manually in case of cheating.

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