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Other LMS Features

Discover more features of LMS Plugin and learn how to improve online courses

Trial Courses

Provide an opportunity for your potential students to try the first lessons of your course for free. For example, you will post a course and will open the first tutorial to the public for free. However, students that would like to continue watching your tutorials will not have access to your next tutorials until they buy it.

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Drip content

Manage your lessons’ content and when to show them. You can:

1. Use this feature to provide a proper flow of the education process.

2. Regulate the order of the lessons by date or in your own sequence.

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The Gradebook

As a tutor, you will be able to track the number of people attending your course. Further, you will have statistics in percentage about students who have completed a course, who are currently enrolled in the course and who have passed the quiz as well as the average progress of the course attendees.

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Masterstudy - The Gradebook

Assignment Feature

This feature allows you to add assignments to a lesson in addition to or instead of a quiz. There are 2 types of assignments: upload and essay.

The instructor can check the student’s work, grade their performance and leave notes on the assignments.

You will benefit from transparent learning process and a new way of grading the students. Get the maximum from the new feature. Ask your students to attach supplementary files to the essay in order to support their answers.

Enjoy the flexibility and variety of options, monitor and evaluate students’ progress.

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One course - multiple instructors. Co-instructor is a notable feature that provides an option for teachers to assign one more instructor to the course.

Get extra help with the delivery of the course and enjoy the benefits of having a co-instructor join you.

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Certificate Checker

Certificate Checker is a special tool that allows users to check the validity of certificates gained on the websites built with Masterstudy. Just get the certificate unique number, and check its validity.

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