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MasterStudy LMS Theme Update: Course Search Box and Pagination for Assignments

MasterStudy V 4.7.0: New Custom Course Search Box Widget and Pagination for Assignment Pages

Version: 4.7.0 January 13, 2023

In the recent update for MasterStudy LMS we have a couple of new features: Course Search Box and Assignments Pagination.

1. There is a new attractive custom search input. It is designed specifically for finding your courses. 🔎

The unique side of this widget is to search the courses by category and you can place it anywhere on your page. Another important feature of the widget is options for layout. The following ready-made presets are available for the widget:

  • Button Inside (clickable search icon inside the searching field)
  • Button Inside Left (same as previous one but reversed)
  • Button Outside (clickable search button near the input field)
  • Compact (justified searching field)

You are free to decide whether to enable the option to show categories (in the form of a dropdown) or not.

This Course Search Box element can be used in Elementor and WPBakery page builders.

2. The second new feature is the pagination mode on the Assignments and My Assignments pages. 🔢

Prior to this update, when an instructor accumulated a lot of assignments, the appearance of the page did not look quite compact. Now this nuisance was removed. This update allows you to quickly and conveniently switch between assignments both for instructors and students.

You can find a detailed changelog for this update here.

Update highlights:

  • New: Pagination for Assignments & My Assignments Pages
  • New: Course Search Box with more customization options
  • Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.9.6
  • Fixed: Spelling errors in Payouts
  • Fixed: Compatibility issues of STM Configuration plugin for 8.0, 8.0.22
  • Fixed: Deprecated functions of Elementor are replaced with actual ones

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