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MasterStudy V 4.2.5: New LMS Forms Editor addon, WordPress 5.7 compatibility

Version: 4.2.5 March 30, 2021

The new version of MasterStudy LMS is here! With the new update, we are introducing several major improvements and a new premium addon for customizing LMS forms.

WordPress 5.7 compatibility with jQuery migrate

First, we have updated WordPress 5.7 compatibility with jQuery migrate. Just a quick reminder, the latest release of WordPress with the major update to its fundamental code – jQuery is a big change in its functionality. To make sure you can continue working with your website without facing any troubles, we took care of the compatibility of the theme with the WordPress update. 

LMS Forms Editor Addon

Besides this, version 4.2.5 includes a new additional premium feature called LMS Forms Editor.

The new addon allows adding custom fields to such built-in forms as Profile form (Registration), Become Instructor request form, and Enterprise form. 

With the new feature, you will be able to create custom forms and extend them with the fields that are required to be filled by the customers. This will help in getting full information about the users and limit any other additional steps in providing details. 

The addon is equipped with the drag and drop builder. There are multiple elements available for you to use. They include text area, radio button, checkbox, email, phone, file attachment, single-line text. To use any of the elements, just drag the needed one and place it in the working space. After that, each element can be set up.

Check out the full changelog:

UPD: WordPress 5.7 compatibility with jquery migrate

UPD: Slider Revolution plugin updated to 6.4.6

UPD: MasterStudy LMS PRO plugin updated to 3.5.4

NEW: LMS Forms Editor addon

UPD: Fancybox updated in core

UPD: Cancel Subscription in Classic profile style moved to the sidebar

ADDED: Image preview to Assignments

ADDED: Enterprise form in user account

FIXED: Front-end bugs in Eroom meeting page

FIXED: RTL header styles

FIXED: Minor frontend bugs

FIXED: Gallery masonry grid error fixed

FIXED: Quantity in variable product fixed

FIXED: Broken order of the categories and subcategories in Frontend Course Builder

FIXED: Broken categories dropdown in Frontend Course Builder (French letters)

FIXED: Course description bug in Frontend Course Builder

FIXED: Point System shows zero value

FIXED: Points are not credited after enabling the Point statistics add-on

FIXED: Zero values in point statistics settings

FIXED: Minor frontend bugs

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