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MasterStudy V 4.2.1: Multiple improvements in courses and users management

Version: 4.2.1 January 12, 2021

In this update, we focused on the management issues.

We decided to optimize the contact point with your students and added an email column in the Manage Students section. So it is now easier to access his/her email and connect right away. 

Website administrators will especially appreciate the next improvement. They now can limit access to the panel for instructors. If you run the online course marketplace, it is a perfect feature for you. Not all the data or sections should be available for the instructors. So admins can now use the new option and deny instructors from accessing the admin panel.

More options are available in the frontend course builder. Access question randomizer from the frontend. 

We also added password validation on the edit profile page.

See all the changes in the full changelog:

IMPROVEMENT: Deny Instructors from accessing the admin panel
IMPROVEMENT: Student email column in the ‘Manage Students’ section
IMPROVEMENT: Featured courses to the archive page
IMPROVEMENT: The “unlim” value added to the membership plans
IMPROVEMENT: Password validation in the edit profile page
IMPROVEMENT: Custom image upload added under course settings for the successful course completion message
IMPROVEMENT: Randomize questions option added to the Frontend Course Builder
IMPROVEMENT: Time zones added to the Zoom Conference lessons
FIXED: Image appearance in the ‘Popular courses’ element, style 2
FIXED: Month arrows issues in the date picker
FIXED: BuddyPress redirects fixed
FIXED: Statistic issue
FIXED: LMS messaging system issues fixed
FIXED: Public account not showing
FIXED: Public account login
FIXED: Assignments category dropdown
FIXED: Curriculum error in the dashboard
FIXED: Minor frontend issues
FIXED: Adding video lesson error on frontend course builder
FIXED: SCORM course doesn’t start
FIXED: Frontend bugs in the public profile
FIXED: Assignments statistics errors in the Gradebook
FIXED: Course bundle description field
FIXED: Redirect after logout
FIXED: Cooking demo visual bugs
FIXED: Disable PMPRO redirect while demo import

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