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Google Classrooms

MasterStudy now supports the integration with Google Classroom service!

Manage your classes effectively

Integrating digital classrooms to your online workflow is beneficial for both students and faculty during emergency situations. This new interaction will allow instructors to speed up the transition to an online environment and provide resources that can be immediately put to use.

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Connect your Google Classroom account

Provide an innovative way for students to access your Google Classroom account through a dedicated page. Generate a secure code to instantly share access to classes. This will give you a varied approach to learning and the opportunity to combine your courses and classes. Easy!

Make teaching more productive

Being easy in exploitation the new functionality will not take much time for you to set it up. In the end, you will get a practical solution for the administration of your teaching activities in the digital mode.

Don’t let the external factors disrupt your activity. Take the best out of your job with MasterStudy!

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