Tips to Make Your Video Course Better

Creating a video course is one of the best ways to help students learn and retain information. You can cover topics you couldn’t in an audio-only format and go into more detail about things like exercises or demonstrations. However, some tips will make it easier for you and your students if you plan your video course ahead of time. Here are a few actions ahead!

How to make your video course better (7 useful tips)

Start with a clear and actionable plan

Video lessons are a fantastic way to achieve a high success rate in online education, but how do you get them to a point where they are useful?

A clear and actionable plan is the key to success. A video course that doesn’t have a clear flow makes it difficult for learners to keep up with the content, which can lead them to abandon the project entirely.

Map out your instructions step by step. This process will help ensure that everything is effective throughout each video lesson without leaving gaps or feeling too lengthy or convoluted. If there are certain pieces of information that you think might be tricky for learners, then break those into separate videos so they don’t feel overwhelmed trying too much at once!

Observe the needs of target students

The first step in creating a video course is to know your target audience. That sounds obvious, but it’s not as easy as it may sound. You need to understand their needs and wants at a fundamental level to build on them when creating the content for your course.

Asking yourself questions like Who are these people? What do they want from this course? How can I help them achieve their goals? What will they learn from me, and how will I teach them those things? What does success look like for this particular class? Could other factors besides my teaching style or expertise affect their success or interest in learning from me? And finally, how will this person share their knowledge with others after taking my class?

Know what you are going to talk about

  • Know your subject – Find all possible details about the topic you will discuss;
  • Know your audience – This is the most important step when creating a video course for online learning. You should know who will watch it, their expectations, and how much time they can spend watching your videos;
  • What do I want to achieve? If a student has no goals, it will be hard for them to reach them in any way. The same applies to video courses: if no goal is set in advance, achieving it may be difficult or even impossible. For example, when planning an educational video course, you can ask: “What do I want students to get out of this course?”

Make videos of the right length

Don’t make them too long. Don’t make them too short either! It’s best to keep it between 3-7 minutes in length because most people won’t watch anything longer. For example, if you’re making a YouTube video about how to draw a tree, don’t make it 10 minutes long – it’ll be boring by then!

On the other hand, if you’re making a Vimeo informational video on gardening methods or something similar (which many people do), then this might not apply as much because they may want more details than just “how” they should plant their seeds or what type of soil would be best suited for their plants.

Choose the right video hosting platform for your course

If you create a course, choose the right video hosting platform. You must ensure that your audience can easily find your content, share it with friends and family, and watch it in HD quality.

Here are some things you should consider when choosing a video hosting platform:

  • Ease of use – Do they have an easy-to-navigate user interface and an interactive video player? Are there any technical difficulties during playback? Is the player responsive on all devices?
  • Sharing capabilities – Do they allow users to share their videos easily through social media and e-mail platforms like Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Gmail (or even WhatsApp)? This is especially important if you want your students/clients/customers to create buzz around your product by sharing their experiences with others in real-time (in other words: while watching them online). If this is the case, then an easy way for them to share would be very useful!
  • Reputation – What has been said about them online? What kind of reviews do they have from previous customers/users who used their service before deciding whether or not they wanted anything else done by these guys again? Also, look into what past clients might say about these guys because sometimes “it’s better safe than sorry” when trying new services out there today, looking for something good than a bad experience later down the line!

Choose the right LMS plugin

There are a lot of LMS plugins available. Some of them are free. Others cost money. MasterStudy LMS plugin is more than just an ordinary video course creator. It is an all-in-one solution for creating and delivering online courses. If you want to make your video lessons with the MasterStudy LMS plugin, here is what you need to know:

  • The platform allows you to create nice video lessons with YouTube URLs and upload the video files as course downloadable materials;
  • It supports up to ten quiz types, including item match, single choice, keywords, image choice., multi-choice, true or false, image matching, and fill the gap;
  • It supports five lesson types: video, text, slides, online streams, and Zoom meetings and webinars.

Don’t overlook the value of promoting your video course on social media

Don’t overlook the value of promoting your video course on social media. You can share your video course on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and more.

In addition to using the MasterStudy LMS plugin to create an engaging, interactive, and fun-to-use learning environment for your students, you should consider how you’ll promote it. Social media is a great way to do that!


That was the priority of how to make your video course better (7 useful tips).
If you follow these steps, your video course will be more effective. You should also remember that it takes some time before your videos become popular and bring in money. But don’t worry because there are many ways to promote them on social media and get people interested in what they have to offer. And if all else fails? Well, then, create another one!