SureTriggers Addon in MasterStudy LMS Plugin

SureTriggers in MasterStudy LMS

Imagine automating your processes and activities with just a few clicks. Picture setting up specific triggers and actions that will occur once those triggers are activated. MasterStudy LMS now integrates seamlessly with the popular plugin of the moment: SureTriggers

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of this game-changing integration. We’ll explore how SureTriggers can enhance the way you manage your e-learning platform, making your life easier and your workflows more efficient.

From automating user enrollments to triggering personalized notifications, SureTriggers opens up a realm of possibilities. With this integration, you can focus on what truly matters: creating and delivering exceptional online courses. 

Content Outline

What is SureTriggers and How Does It Work?

SureTriggers is a highly popular plugin renowned for its exceptional automation capabilities. Designed to simplify and streamline workflows, it offers a range of powerful features that enhance productivity and efficiency across various platforms.

One of the key reasons for SureTriggers’ popularity is its ability to save time and reduce manual effort. By automating repetitive tasks, users can focus on more important aspects of their work, such as content creation or engaging with customers. This not only increases productivity but also enhances the overall user experience.

SureTriggers boasts compatibility with multiple platforms, WordPress plugins, and apps such as:

  • WooCommerce
  • BuddyBoss
  • Elementor Pro
  • Beaver Builder
  • WhatsApp
  • Google Sheets
  • Stripe
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • Slack

And a bunch of more tools. Now MasterStudy LMS filled its ranks!

SureTriggers operates on a remarkably simple principle, making it incredibly user-friendly. In its dedicated dashboard, users can select any application that has integrations with SureTriggers. The process involves two key roles: triggers (the moment an event occurs) and actions (what should happen once the trigger is activated).

The versatility of SureTriggers is truly extensive. It allows for the seamless connection of various plugins with applications, creating a bidirectional flow of data and actions. This means that users can establish connections between different plugins and applications, opening up a world of possibilities for automation.

By leveraging SureTriggers, users can set up triggers based on specific events or conditions, such as user interactions, form submissions, or payment confirmations. Once a trigger is activated, predefined actions are executed automatically.

List of Triggers and Actions in MasterStudy LMS

Let’s now explore the triggers and actions available for MasterStudy LMS in SureTriggers.


  1. User Enrolled Into the Course: This trigger activates when a student is enrolled in a course.
  2. Quiz Passed: Runs when a student successfully passes a quiz.
  3. Course Completed: Activated when a student completes all lessons and quizzes in a course.
  4. Lesson Completed: Activated when a student completes a lesson.
  5. Quiz Failed: Runs when a student fails a quiz.

These triggers will be available when MasterStudy LMS is selected as the first tool in the workflow canvas.

Now, let’s take a look at the available actions:


  1. Mark A Lesson Complete For The User: This action allows you to mark selected or all lessons of a course as complete for the user.
  2. Enroll User To Course: With this action, you can enroll a user in a specific course.
  3. Mark A Course Complete For The User: Marks the selected course as complete for the user.
  4. Unroll User From Course: Removes a user from a course.

These actions will be accessible when MasterStudy LMS is chosen as the second tool in the workflow.

With these triggers and actions available, you can create powerful automation workflows tailored to your specific needs within MasterStudy LMS. 

Let’s see one example below. 

The Example of Workflow

SureTriggers in MasterStudy LMS works through the following steps:

Start by installing the SureTriggers plugin on your WordPress site. It’s completely free and can be found in the Plugins section. 

Once installed, activate SureTriggers and create a new account (or use an existing one) to access its dashboard.

In the SureTriggers dashboard, navigate to the Workflow section. This is where you’ll create your automation processes. Click on the “Add New” button to create a new automation process.

In the popup window name the workflow based on the desired outcome. For example, if you want to automatically collect the email addresses of students after they purchase your course, you can name it “Email Collecting“.

Search for “MasterStudy LMS“.

And choose the desired trigger from the available five options. In this case, select the “User Enrolled Into the Course” trigger.

In the Connection field, select your WordPress site and fetch the site’s data by clicking on “Fetch Data“.

Select the application that will perform the action role. For instance, choose “MailChimp” and click on “Add Subscriber to Tag” from the events list.

In the Connection field, select your MailChimp account. This will open a new tab where you’ll need to provide a Name and enter the API key from your MailChimp account.

Once you’ve entered the API key, you’ll have access to all your audiences and tags in MailChimp. 

Test the automation process to ensure everything is working correctly. Once verified, save the workflow.

That’s it! Now, whenever a student enrolls in your course, they will be automatically added to the designated list in MailChimp, becoming your subscriber.

Note: It’s important to always obtain permission and inform users that their data will be stored in your database.


The SureTriggers integration in MasterStudy LMS opens up new possibilities for automating your e-learning workflows. By leveraging a range of triggers and actions, you can enhance user engagement, streamline administrative tasks, and save valuable time. Whether it’s enrolling users, or marking lessons complete SureTriggers offers a comprehensive automation solution for your e-learning platform.

To learn more about SureTriggers and how to implement it in MasterStudy LMS, refer to our documentation or reach out to our support team.