How To Find Profitable Online Course Ideas

You’ve probably been thinking about creating an online course for a while. You’re in the right place because we’ll help you get started with creating your first online course and finding profitable ideas to create content for it. This guide will show you how to find profitable online course ideas, launch a successful course, and what’s involved in making one that people want to buy!

How To Find Profitable Online Course Ideas?

Why should you create an online course?

The global e-learning market is projected to hit $457.8 billion by 2026. Why not create and sell courses if you’re looking for a way to earn passive income? When people purchase your course, they pay upfront and then access your content as needed—no more worrying about collecting payments!

You may have valuable knowledge that could help someone else in their career or personal life; if so, creating online courses can be a great way to share that information with them while earning money simultaneously!

Creating an online course makes you a thought leader in your field and builds credibility with potential clients/customers (i.e., “thought leaders” who write books).

What are the challenges?

  •  It can be hard to find the right topic;
  • Creating a course takes time and effort, and you must be up for it!  Managing your course is also very important and not easy at all (you should always update the content of your courses, so they don’t get outdated or become irrelevant). This can consume a lot of time, but it’s necessary if you want then earn money with your online courses. Also creating lessons and quizzes can be fun but still difficult if you don’t know how to do this properly;
  • What’s moresome LMS plugins for WordPress may have limited functionality. They can help you create and manage an online course, but they can’t do everything you want them to do, including making your online course look professional (i.e., no ugly logos). Make it easy for students to follow along with the instructor;
  • Track student progress through the program

The solutions

The solution for success is to research unique course ideas, find the right audience for your online course and use a bona fide LMS plugin for WordPress, such as MasterStudy LMS.

You may be wondering why it’s important to have a unique topic. Students don’t want to take a course on something already covered by another person. If you do end up creating content similar to someone else’s, you’ll need an angle that makes yours better than theirs.

When choosing a topic for your online course, consider the following:

1. Pick a subject you love and know a lot about

You will find it easier to develop a course when you have a subject you love and know a lot about. You can create an online course on any topic. However, if you are not passionate about what you are teaching, it will be hard for your students to become passionate.

It makes sense that having knowledge in your course’s area will make it easier to teach others because it shows that you have experience in the field. If no one else offers courses on a particular topic, then this could be seen as an opportunity for someone with knowledge in this area to create their course and teach others how they do things well.

If possible, try and find out whether other people have created courses based on similar topics before so that they may share insights into how they were able to achieve success with their idea or if there were any challenges along the way which prevented them from reaching their goals (such as lack of funding).

2. Consider your skills and background

If you’ve been considering becoming an online course creator, you should first take a hard look at your skills and background. If you’re starting a business, it can be tempting to jump into something new immediately. But this can lead to a lot of wasted time and energy if you aren’t sure what path is right for you.

Before diving into any new project or venture, it’s always a good idea to consider how well-suited your skills are for that project or venture. In the case of creating an online course, this means asking yourself: “What do I want to teach?”

If there is no clear answer here (or if there are multiple answers), then now might not be the best time for starting an online course business! If there’s only one answer—if all other options seem equally unattractive (or equally appealing)—then move on!

Once we know what we want our online course content experts to teach others about their chosen subject matter (in our case: “how”!), then we need to ask ourselves another question: “What kind of learner am I teaching?” A great way of answering this question is asking yourself: “What would my ideal student want? What kind of learner would benefit most from my knowledge?”

3. Listen to what people are saying

You can use various tools to find out what people are talking about in your industry. It would be best if you started with Google Trends. This tool shows you how frequently certain terms are searched for on Google over time, and it also lets you compare multiple search terms at once (for example: “online course” vs. “free online course”). It’s a good way to see which topics are popular overall—and then drill down into specific trends by location or keyword.

4. Do have a targeted audience who will benefit from learning the topic

  • Define your audience;
  • Understand the needs of your audience;
  • Know their pain points;
  • Identify the problems your audience is facing;
  • Understand their demographics and goals, and objectives, if possible. If not, you’ll have to research these factors before you can create content that will be relevant to them (see how I worked in this sentence about “understanding” again).

5. Get inspiration from the most popular online courses in your industry

One way to get inspiration for your online course idea is to look at the most popular online courses in your industry. You can find these on sites like Udemy, Skillshare, and Teachable.

When you visit these websites, you’ll notice that many of the most popular online courses are geared toward helping people learn about a certain topic (such as how to play the guitar or write a book). This can be useful because it gives you ideas about what types of topics people are interested in learning more about. It also gives you information about each course’s pricing, length, and reviews/ratings.


So that was the basic guide on how to find a profitable online course ideas for your projects.

Once you settle on the right course ideas, you will need the best LMS WordPress Plugins to create and manage courses.

MasterStudy LMS is the proper WordPress plugin for creating professional-looking and easy-to-follow online courses. It is a powerful, feature-rich, and flexible LMS plugin for WordPress that can help you create online lessons, add quizzes, and monetize your course with a few clicks. Find out more here.