How to Easily Create a Multilingual WordPress Calculator

How to Easily Create a Multilingual WordPress Calculator

The ability to cater to a diverse audience is crucial for any website, and when it comes to WordPress, multilanguage support plays a significant role in reaching a global user base. In today’s international world, where people from various linguistic backgrounds access the internet, providing content in multiple languages has become pretty important. Especially if you run your own business or startup. 

In this topic we will explore the concept of multilanguage support in WordPress, specifically focusing on the localization of a Cost Calculator plugin with WPML, the undoubted leader when it comes to building a multilingual website. 

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Importance of Multilanguage Support for Websites

With people from different countries and cultures accessing the web, it is essential for websites to provide content that is accessible and understandable to a diverse audience. This is where multilanguage plays a leading role.

If your site or tool has a way to change the languages in real time, most likely you will get the next advantages: 

  • Expanding Reach and Targeting New Markets
    By offering multilanguage support on your website, you have the opportunity to reach a wider audience. This includes individuals who are more comfortable consuming content in their native language.
  • Enhancing User Experience and Engagement
    Language is a fundamental aspect of a user’s experience on a website. When visitors can access content in their own language, they feel more connected and engaged with the website.
  • Building Trust and Credibility
    Multilanguage support demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity and a customer-oriented approach. When users see that you have made the effort to provide content in their language, it builds trust and credibility. This can lead to stronger brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth recommendations within different language communities.
  • Improving SEO and Visibility
    Search engines strive to deliver the most relevant and valuable results to users. By providing content in multiple languages, you increase the chances of your website appearing in search results for different language queries.
  • Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirements
    In certain regions, there are legal and regulatory requirements regarding the availability of content in specific languages. By offering multilanguage support, you ensure compliance with such obligations and avoid potential legal issues.

As you can see, It is a strategic investment that opens doors to new opportunities, fosters engagement, and creates a more word-spread online environment. This definitely worth spending time on and add a couple of languages on your website and tool, so that your target audience can reach you.

WPML – Best Choice for Multilanguage

When it comes to implementing multilanguage support in WordPress, choosing the right plugin is crucial for a smooth and efficient localization process. There are several tools, which can help you to setup the languages on your website, but we will cover here only one.

One of the most popular and widely recommended plugins objectively for this is WPML (WordPress Multilingual Plugin).

WPML has gained a strong reputation for its comprehensive features, user-friendly interface, and excellent customer support. Let’s explore why WPML is considered the best choice for multilanguage support in WordPress.

  1. Easy Setup and Configuration
  2. Complete Multilanguage Solution
  3. Advanced Translation Management
  4. Language Switcher and URL Structure
  5. Quality Support
  6. A Number of Compatibilities
  7. Multilingual SEO

Also, one of the key advantages of using WPML is a comparatively cheap price among the other multilingual plugins. Even though WPML has only paid version, it’s still cheaper than the other alternatives.

WPML starts its journey in 2007 and nowadays over one million websites are using WPML as a mail multilingual choice, which is mind-blowing.

They support 65 pre-configured languages. So most likely your targeted language will be on this list.

You can explore the prices of WPML on their page.

Cost Calculator – Powerful WordPress Custom Calculator

Cost Calculator plugin for WordPress has emerged as a top choice for creating custom calculators with ease. And the good news is that it has recently become 100% compatible with WPML (WordPress Multilingual Plugin), making it an excellent solution for an online WordPress calculator that can be translated into multiple languages.

In brief, the Cost Calculator plugin provides a wide range of features and functionalities that allow you to create interactive and dynamic calculators tailored to your specific needs. From simple price estimations to complex quote generation, the plugin offers flexibility and versatility. It enables you to define formulas, input fields, sliders, dropdowns, and checkboxes, giving users the ability to customize their calculations based on their requirements. You can also import one of the available pre-made templates for your calculator. 

The combination of the Cost Calculator plugin and WPML offers a seamless integration process. With WPML’s intuitive interface, you can effortlessly translate the texts, labels, fields, and even dynamic strings used in your calculator, ensuring consistency and accuracy across different language versions.

Translating the Cost Calculator Plugin with WPML

We will not consider here the detailed steps on exactly how to set up WPML, because we have a dedicated guide for this. 

Here we will only show how the translation process generally proceeds in general aspects, what exactly is translated, and what the calculator itself looks like after all the strings have been translated.

First, you need to install the Cost Calculator plugin. This will be your WordPress calculator tool. The plugin itself is free, but it has a Pro version that unlocks the premium features

After installing and activating Cost Calculator, you will be able to import one of the available pricing form templates

Then you need to separately install the WPML plugin itself. This is for setting up languages for the calculator.

The complete package includes four modules:

  1. WPML Multilingual CMS (the core plugin)
  2. String Translation
  3. Media Translation
  4. WooCommerce Multilingual

After installing them, you will need to go through a short wizard to set up the primary environment. Then you can proceed directly to translate the calculator and add languages.

The main work occurs in the Translation Management module. There, you can select the component for which you want to add translations. You can add languages, translate them, and then enable the languages in the language switcher.

You can translate both static strings and dynamic variations of them (which change depending on how the calculator owner names a particular setting).

The result will be like this: 

You can add as many languages as you want to your website and calculator. 


The sync of Cost Calculator and WPML allows users to easily create a multilingual WordPress calculator, ensuring that it can be effectively utilized by a diverse audience.

By enabling the translation of both static strings and dynamic variations, WPML empowers users to customize the calculator to fit their specific needs and language preferences.  

Give it a try, this is probably the most easier way to run the calculator on your website in different languages.