How to Get a WordPress Website With Envato Hosting for $16

When people are thinking about starting a website with WordPress, one of the most popular website and blog platforms of all time, they often spend a lot of time considering which theme will work for them and how they are going to set up their site. All these elements are important, but you also need to consider just how and where you will have your site hosted. You need to have a host, which provides the “home” for your site on the web.

Choosing the right host is very important, and one of the factors you will want to consider when it comes to hosting is the price. Just how much will you have to pay for the hosting service, and will it be worth it? Fortunately, there are some quality hosts out there that offer some very affordable plans for those who are just starting out with a website. One of the top companies in the field is Envato. Let’s look at what they can offer and how much it will cost you.

What Does Envato Hosted Offer?

One of the first things you will notice about Envato Hosted is the price. It is a very affordable way to get up and running with a host. If you pay on a month-to-month basis, the cost is $19 a month. However, when you choose to pay the annual cost all at once, the total is $190, which breaks down to just $16 a month. This makes it a very cost-effective option for those who are just starting out.

This will provide you with all the same features and value as the monthly option, but it comes with some other benefits, as well. First, it will allow you to save $38 annually. In addition, it features a 30-day money back guarantee in case you are not happy with the service or features. It also includes site setup service and 20% off freelancer services from Envato Studio if they are required.

When you sign up, they will install the newest version of the theme you choose, along with any demo content, if it comes with it. They will also supply any plugins that you need, so you can get everything up and running very quickly. The custom setup will ensure that you can get going even faster. After all, when you have an idea for a site, you want to get it set up as quickly as you can, so you can start posting all of that great content.

What Are the Features?

When you work with Envato Hosted, you will experience a range of features including a choice of high-quality themes from ThemeForest. You can choose a theme and have it preinstalled, making setup even easier, as mentioned. In addition, the service offers support for their customers from a team of WordPress experts, along with daily backups. This can drastically reduce the possibility of losing content.

In addition, they have site monitoring and server security to ensure your site is always safe and sound. They can provide WordPress site migration if you happen to be moving to Envato from another host, and they can also help with domain name purchasing for an added cost. If you are going to be setting up a website, it is important that you have your own domain name.

When it comes to the aforementioned support, the professionals can guide you through the setup and use of your website, along with other issues and questions that you might have. They also have a wide range of articles on their site that can provide answers to many common questions. This helps to ensure you are never at a loss when you are dealing with your site.

Envato Hosted will accept a range of payment types including most major credit cards, as well as PayPal. All the payments are to be made in advance of the billing cycle.

Why Consider Envato Hosting?

This is a managed hosting provider that makes everything as easy as possible for you. It takes care of all the technical aspects of getting everything installed and setup, and it ensures you have monitoring, backups, and maintenance, as needed. This is an ideal option for those who are starting out with a new site and who are trying to find their footing with WordPress. It makes things so much simpler than trying to get everything set up on your own.

Of course, one of the best things about Envato Hosting is the fact that you can get a full year’s worth of hosting for a mere $16 a month, when you pay in full. There is little risk and a lot of reward when it comes to this hosting service. They are highly recommended.