Cost Calculator Plugin V 3.1.35: Back up Calculator, Set Time Picker Intervals and more…

Attention, Cost Calculator community! We’ve been working hard, and we’ve rolled out some updates that we’re sure you’ll love. 

Here is the changelog for the update of the plugin:


  • New: Added Version history for backup calculators after saving.
  • Update: Added the ability to select the minimum interval for a gap in the Time picker element.
  • Update: Introduced automatic scrolling to required calculator fields if they are not filled in.
  • Update: Added possibility to hide the left menu “Find Element” in Conditions.
  • Fixed: With the Hidden by default setting enabled, if you set the condition to show datepicker in Conditions, Datepicker disappears from Preview after selecting a date during calculations.
  • Fixed: If you save the calculator without saving elements, the IDs are not displayed in the Create and Condition tabs and the saved elements are not displayed in Preview and on the site.
  • Fixed: New calculators no longer can’t copy an element when creating a new calculator or importing a template.
  • Fixed: The default Value(s) in the calculator does not work for checkboxes.

What’s New in the Cost Calculator Plugin?

Version history for backing up calculators 

In our Pro version, there is a new feature that’s been highly requested – Version History. Now, after saving your work, you can check out the history of the last three versions. It’s like having a safety net for your calculations. 


To activate this feature, go to the Backup Settings in the Settings tab. A simple click on the “Restore” button, next to the “Clock” icon, lets you hop back in time. You can undo changes in Fields and Conditions.

Set Time Picker intervals

Imagine you’re creating a cost calculator for scheduling dental appointments. You want users to select the time for their appointments. And you prefer to offer time slots in 30-minute intervals. 

Now, you can customize the minimal intervals between the first and second fields in the Time Picker element. Just set it up to your preference, like one hour or 30 minutes, and our Cost Calculator will take care of the rest. Choose the interval, and the second time will update based on user’s choice. 

Expandable “Find element” option

For our Pro users, we’ve tidied up the interface of the Conditions tab. And now users can hide the left menu “Find Element” in the Conditions tab, leaving just the icon. It’s all about making things more simple and user-friendly for you.

Automatic scrolling to required calculator fields

Have you ever filled out a large calculator with a Contact form and wondered why it wasn’t showing the results? Your users may have been there too. But worry no more! 

So we’ve implemented automatic scrolling to the required fields that need users’ attention. Say goodbye to missed required fields, even in those large calculators!

Let’s wrap it up!

These updates and fixes are all about making your Cost Calculator plugin experience smoother and more enjoyable. We want to hear your thoughts, so try updates now, and let us know what you think about these new features. As always, stay tuned because there are more exciting updates coming your way in the future.