Changes in Motors Theme Options: Migration to Motors Plugin

As we continue to enhance and expand the functionality of the Motors theme, we have decided to transfer several settings from the Theme Options to a separate Motors Plugin. This separation allows us to introduce new features while keeping the layout and functionality distinct. 

Below is a comprehensive list of the changes that have taken place:

General Settings

  1. Google Maps API Key
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → General
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Google Services → Google Maps → Google Maps API Key
  2. Google Maps Pin Image
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → General
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Google Services → Google Maps → Custom Google Maps Pin Image
  3. reCaptcha (v3)
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → General
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Google Services → reCaptcha → reCaptcha

Inventory Settings

  1. Enable User-Friendly URL
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → Inventory Settings → Main
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Listings Page → General → SEO-Friendly URL
  2. Gallery Interaction on Hover
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → Inventory Settings → Main
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Listings Page → General → Image Sliding on Hover
  3. Number of Featured Listings (List & Grid)
    • New Feature: Motors Free Plugin → Listings Page → General → Number of Featured Listings List/Grid
  4. Sold Listings
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → Inventory Settings → Main
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Listings Page → General → Sold Status for Vehicles
  5. Price Settings
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → Inventory Settings → Price
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Listings Page → Currency
  6. Filter by Location
    • New Feature: Motors Free Plugin → Search and Filtering
  7. Grid/List Card
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → Inventory Settings → Grid/List Card
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Listings Page → Listing Info Card

Single Listing Templates

  1. Page Templates
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → Single Listing Templates
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Listing Detail Page → Page Templates

User/Dealer Settings

  1. User/Dealer Settings
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Profile
  2. Optimizing Image
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → User/Dealer → Main
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Listing Detail Page → General
  3. Loan Calculator
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Listing Detail Page → Loan Calculator
  4. Listing Creation Form
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → Add Listing → General
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Listing Detail Page → Listing Creation Form
  5. Layout Builder
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → Add Listing → Layout Manager
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Listing Detail Page → Layout Builder

Features Settings

  1. Features List
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → Features Settings
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Listing Detail Page → Features List

Additional Pages

  1. Inventory Archive Page, Compare Page, Login/Registration Page
    • Previous Location: Theme Options → Inventory Settings → Main
    • New Location: Motors Free Plugin → Pages


  1. Monetize Dealer Registrations
    • New Feature: Motors Free Plugin → Monetization → Monetize Dealer Registrations

These changes ensure that the Motors Free Plugin can provide a robust and versatile experience, allowing for more advanced features and better separation between layout and functionality.