How to Add Google Calendar in WordPress

WordPress Google Calendar

Are you considering adding a Google Calendar in WordPress? It is a very useful app that will allow you to easily manage your schedule, share events, and get organized. This short and to the point guide will help you get the calendar installed and up and running.

Step 1. Check the Requirements

The first thing you need to do is make sure you are ready and capable of installing and running the calendar. The recommended settings are that you have PHP version 7 or higher, MySQL version 5.6 or greater, or MariaDB version 10.0 or greater. In addition, you will need to have HTTP (SSL) support.

Step 2. Search for Simple Calendar

Next, you need to install and activate the Simple Calendar – Google Calendar Plugin. You can go to your dashboard and then click on the Plugins tab in the left panel. Click on the Add New button.

Step 3. Activate the Plugin

Next, you will search for Simple Calendar and choose it from the search results. Click on the Install Now link. At that point, you will wait for the installation to finish. Once it has finished, you will then click on the Activate Plugin button. Once you activate the plugin, it a new menu will appear in your main menu called Calendars.

Step 4: Google API Key

Next, you need to get a Google API key for the application. Fortunately, you will only have to do this one time. Head to the Google Developers Console and from the top Project Menu, you will then click on Create Project. Give the project a name, agree to the terms, and then click on the Create button. From the dashboard click on Enable API. From the Google Apps APIs you will then see the Calendar API. Click on Enable.
Then, you will choose Credentials in the API Manager in the menu on the left. Click on Create Credentials and then choose the API Key. This will create a popup, which will have your API Key. You can copy the key by clicking Ctrl-C.

Step 5: Apply the API

Now that you have your key, you can go back to the WordPress dashboard. Head to Calendars and then Settings in the menu and enter the API Key. Save the changes, and it will be ready to use.
Follow these steps and you will have your Google Calendar up and running in no time.