10 Unique WordPress Tricks For Beginners

Being a beginner on WordPress can be overwhelming at times. You have so many new things to learn and find out and it can seem at times that you’ll never get a hang of it.

But WordPress is a simple and a wonderful platform that gives you a unique opportunity to share your thoughts with the world.

Here are some tricks that could be useful for beginners.

1. Make your writing stronger.

Strong and good content is the key to success. No matter what else you do, if your content is not of high quality, you’ll just end up without an audience. Take your time to learn proper writing – style, voice, rules of quality in writing etc. Educate yourself on a daily basis in your niche too, read what other people are writing and take from them some elements of their style and implement them in your writing.

For some tips and guides on writing stronger content, you can always visit websites like 1 Day 2 Write.

 2. Find a topic that you enjoy and then stick to it.

Finding a niche that you belong to is crucial. You can’t just write general things because that’s not how you’ll gain your audience or find other bloggers to work with. Base your niche on your previous employment or personal experience.

You may have worked as a salesperson and you know something about that so your blog could be sales related. You may like flowers so your blog could focus on that. Find something that you love and that you have some knowledge in and utilize it.

3. Create a newsletter.

The newsletter is a great way to engage your audience and entice them to visit your blog. You’ll get a unique chance to access their inboxes and offer them special deals, products or anything else you may want. Emails are also highly shareable so your content will likely reach a wider audience if it’s good enough.

4. Don’t be afraid to share on social media

Your work has to be seen and the best way to reach people is definitely through social media. This way you’ll have access to where they feel the most comfortable and you’ll be able to get closer to them. Once you are done writing and publishing your blog post, share it on social media. It’s not that hard and it will give you so many benefits.

If you are still a bit unsure on how to promote your work on social media, there are always tools available online. Write My X, for example, is an excellent copywriting tool that you could use.

5. Edit your work thoroughly.

Before you hit that ‘publish’ button, re-read your text aloud once more and try to keep an eye out for mistakes or anything that doesn’t sound like it belongs in the text. Edit out all the fluff and unnecessary text.

6. Utilize SEO tools

SEO is extremely important if you want to find yourself on one of the first few pages in search engines. Utilize free WordPress tools and plugins that can get you better SEO and allow you to be easily found.

7. Be an active member of a community.

Find a community where you can feel comfortable sharing your problems. Comment on other people’s work and share what they wrote on your social media. If your community works perfectly, you’ll be able to transfer audiences and that could be extremely good for your popularity.

8. Format your content.

Use all of the tools that WordPress gives you – bold important words, use italics for emphasis, use bullet points, lists, paragraphs, quotes, anything that could break up that great wall of text and make your words more compelling.

Properly formatted content is attractive, engaging and easy to read. If, for example, a reader sees a wall of text with no white space, they will quickly move on from that and find another one to read. Add interesting elements to your text to enhance its readability,” says Alex Clover, a blogger from Brit Student and NextCoursework.

9. Write compelling headlines

Headlines are one of the first things that people see when they read your articles. It should be able to hook them, invite them in or spark that curiosity in them so that they just have to click. This is also beneficial for social media since great titles get people to click. Make them short, catchy, possibly with an interesting number etc. Give your audience a reason to click on your article.

10. Don’t stress about everything being perfect.

Even though it might seem like you can’t get your blog to be on the level of perfection that you would like it to be, don’t stress about it. If you are just a beginner, your blog has yet to develop and grow, so don’t worry. Just be consistent and the rewards will come.

Being a blogger can be frustrating at times. While you see all of these other bloggers engaging actively with their audience, you barely have any. But with blogging, the patience is the key. You shouldn’t give up just because it’s hard – fight for your dreams. Start with good content and build your brand upon that. Promote your blog so that people can see it and find it. Create a good email list and offer an exclusive insight into your knowledge to your subscribers in order to attract more people. Be creative in what you do and the rewards will follow.